I’ve worked alongside 1st time directors & OSCAR and EMMY AWARD-WINNING crew on groundbreaking and award-winning projects, including the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS StEM2 Project, “The Mission” created in association with the Academy Gold Rising program, the WOMEN IN MEDIA Camaraderie initiative GRAND PRIZE WINNING FILMS “Charlie and the Hunt” and “Blood and Glory”, “Jeffrey,” which was lensed using Lux Machina LED walls – the same ones used on THE MANDALORIAN – and “Trees of Peace,” which won TOP PRIZE at the SANTA BARBARA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL. 90% women, 50% WOC.
Download my resume & check out my profile in Women In Media’s Crew List!
myPodcast Script Supervisors: Unsung Heroes of Film & TV
podcast Instagram
Script Supervising Panel I hosted
Director/Script Supervisor Relationship talk sponsored by Blackmagic
I’m passionate about telling stories that have yet to be told. And, obv, comedy.

See, I do have a face. #LotsOfWorkDuringCovid